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Discover Odyssey Cruise wheelchair accessible attractions, things to do, tours and activities for disabled travelers. Read our informative review to learn if The Odyssey (Cruises on the Potomac) is wheelchair accessible and wheelchair friendly or if Wheelchair Jimmy recommends this attraction be avoided by travelers in wheelchairs.

Experience Washington DC from a stunning, glass-enclosed ship. Listen and dance to live music. And take in the beautiful, totally unobstructed view of our nation’s capital while enjoying creative cuisine. Your Odyssey escape awaits.

  1. City Attraction Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
  2. Fully Accessible Entry:                             Yes – use ramp
  3. Accessible Restrooms Onsite:                 Yes
  4. Restrictive Steps:                                       Steps to 2nd Deck

Jim’s Accessibility Comments:

While you’re in DC  get adventuresome – consider a cruise along the Potomac. The Odyssey cruise has an easy ramped entry and wheelchair accessible restrooms.  The main deck is fully accessible although there are steps to the  2nd deck which is not accessible.