This is a very casual American Australian-themed Steakhouse dining place. Its cuisine is American and its price point is not that pricey at all (obviously depending on what you’re ordering.)
I think what’s unique about this restaurant is that honestly most of the booths are already at hip level with many wheelchairs. Also in the bathrooms there is a lot of space to move around as well as the last stall being extra big for wheelchair access. What’s special about this restaurant is their level of service which is one of the many reasons I end up coming back and back for more. Because they provide such a good level of service to me, I could only imagine the level of service they would give to people in wheelchairs or just anybody really.
Wonderful restaurant
Step free or easy ramped entrance
Relatively level grade at entrance
Wide doorway entrance
2+ Van accessible parking spaces
Step free or easy ramps on main dining level
1-2 Steps within restaurant
Many available tables
Bar Area: mostly high-top tables / stools
Step free accessible restroom
Wide clearances in restroom
Able to turn WC 360 degrees in restroom stall
Grab bars in restroom stall
Restroom reasonably clean