Become a Partner / Advertise
Wheelchair Jimmy is the Most Trusted Name in Accessible Travel and Mobility. We provide detailed information, reviews and ratings on thousands of hotels, restaurants, attractions and cruises around the world. The ever increasing disabled traveler marketplace is now over 7 million annually in the U.S. alone.
We can help you provide a message targeted to the disabled community and their traveling companions. We can help improve accessibility awareness for your property, and make your property more visible and attractive to the disabled community. With our easy to use format, you can demonstrate how your property provides a barrier free accessible environment and better meets the needs of disabled travelers.
More broadly, we can help your company communicate your commitment to higher accessibility standards and social responsibilities with an emphasis toward inclusion. Let us help you extend your audience reach and help you post a “Welcome” sign to the disabled community. Let us help you to set yourself apart from your competitors and communicate a message about your values.
Here are several services offered by Wheelchair Jimmy (WCJ):
Claim Existing Listing
Claim an Existing Business Listing or multiple business listings from the WCJ website. OWNER VERIFIED note
- Include customized advertising above description and sidebar
- Write a short message promoting your property (add to description)
- Include or replace our existing pictures
- Provide a specific phone number, email or contact address (owner in the description)
Add New Listing
Add a New Listing to the WCJ website for your hotel, restaurant, attraction or cruise
- Provide complete accessibility details using the WCJ drop-down accessibility menu
- Include advertising, messages, pictures and more
- Chain hotels, restaurants and cruise lines can promote accessibility for multiple properties
Multiple Properties
For multiple properties, consider a custom Wheelchair Jimmy co-marketing program whereby many of your properties carry a designated higher accessibility rating or logo with our “Accessibility Guarantee” logo.
Advertise on Site
Advertise on any WCJ tab such as Featured City, Hotel, Restaurant or Cruise tabs.
- Advertise on our services tabs such Travel Tips or Transportation.
- Advertise a single property listing or multiple pages.
Display Logo on Your Site
License the Wheelchair Jimmy accessibility recommendations, WJAR ratings and logo to display on your own website.

Company Page
Partner with Wheelchair Jimmy to create a unique category, tab or features group of properties. Ideal for a chain hotels or restaurants to highlight properties across the U.S. or the world.
Get Listing Accessed by Wheelchair Jimmy
Get your hotel or restaurant property accessibility rated by Wheelchair Jimmy
If you would like to learn more about partnering, sponsoring or advertising with Wheelchair Jimmy, please complete the form below. We will get back to you with detailed information and pricing.
Business Portal Return Form